SCOTUSblog is a highly respected and reliable source of news, information, and analysis on matters relating to the US Supreme Court.
It follows the progress of cases before the court and reports on them in both non-technical language (in their Plain English section) as well as in the more specialized language of the legal profession. Even with the latter, SCOTUSblog places an emphasis on clarity.

Supreme Court statistics presented as graphic tables is one example of the site’s clarity. Initials in the graphic below refer to the nine current justices.

SCOTUSblog was founded in 2002 by attorneys Tom Goldstein and Amy Howe (who also happen to be married to each other). It has won a number of prestigious awards including the Peabody Award for excellence in electronic media and the National Press Club’s Breaking News Award.

June is the last month of the Supreme Court’s nine month annual session. Decisions on several major cases will be announced over the next ten days. SCOTUSblog with its well deserved reputation for outstanding reporting is an excellent resource for keeping up with these rulings.1SCA

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