Tag Archives: capitol buildings

Skyscraper Capitols

A majority of the state capitol buildings in the US look like variations of the national one in Washington, DC. A typical one has a dome in the middle over a rotunda with two main wings  on either side of the center section.

Alaska Capitol
Alaska’s Capitol

There are significant exceptions. Alaska’s resembles an older corporate headquarters of a medium-sized company. And New York’s could pass for a Dutch government ministry which may previously have been a royal palace.

But four of the nonconformist capitols were designed in an innovative architectural style which was born and nurtured in the United States — the skyscraper.

The first ever skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building in Chicago. This steel framed structure was completed in 1885 After some augmentation in 1890 it stood 180 feet/55 meters tall.

The skyscraper gained popularity in the early decades of the 20th century. It was only a matter of time before it was adopted for use by the public sector. Four states which built new capitols in the 20th century chose skyscraper designs.

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